From Pain to Performance
At YOP we believe in inspiring anyone to be fitter, stronger for life - and injury free.
Turning pain into performance.
So, how do we do that?
Let’s have a look at how people get injured and YOP can help you break the injury boom and bust cycle…
So, how do we get injured?
Trauma - For example, falling off a curb (and not just after visiting the pub!).
Load - The load you’re putting on your body and mind frequently exceeds your capacity - and you don’t take adequate rest and recovery.
All too frequently at YOP we see a cycle of boom and bust. We believe the first step towards breaking this cycle is to watch out for indicators and seek help sooner rather than later - don’t let that niggle become more than a niggle! The second step is to come and talk to YOP and trust us to get you back running (or keep you running).
What do you mean by boom and bust?
We mean numerous periods of overload occuring without adequate recovery, rest, nutrition and balance - putting too much stress on the system and causing injury. Without the appropriate changes to habits the classic boom and bust pattern often emerges…
overload (too often/much/quickly) = BOOM…
…then niggly/injury = BUST…
…then rest and reload (at pre-injury levels or quickly moving back to pre-injury levels) then…
…overload (too often/much/quickly) = BOOM…
…then niggly/injury = BUST…
…repeat - again…and again…and again…
This cycle is repeating because without external support to help us change habits, we’re likely to replicate this process. We forget to step back to understand what’s happening and don’t have the knowledge to correct things. This process repeats again and again - becoming less successful with each ‘boom-bust’ cycle. Cycles can become more frequent, more limiting or create discomfort that niggles and never truly go away. The body and mind is less able to tolerate as much as before - until eventually without appropriate intervention you can’t run at all.
Below is an illustration of the BOOM and BUST (RED). It shows your perceived return to full health (straight line) and the reality of your return with appropriate progressive rehab and loading (the squiggly green line)!